An Open Letter to My Priesthood Leaders:

I have just received a vision regarding the 12 Tribes of Israel, the Zodiac Constellations, and the Cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes as it is encoded in the Torah. The time is now 0403am on the fifth day of March, the Year of Our Lord 2019. I have been fasting since Sunday the Third based on personal revelation about the beginning of the season of Lent tomorrow, that is, Ash Wednesday and a desire to become closer to my fellow Peoples of the Book and my Lord Jesus Christ. I have taken only sacramental “wine” (water with a small amount of grape wine for symbolic purposes), a single piece of whole grain wheat bread broken in to 12 parts, blessed by words contained in D&C 20, 12 total caplets of dextromethorphan cough syrup throughout the day, my vitamins and medications prescribed to me by doctors at Providence St Vincent’s Hospital in Beaverton, Oregon. This is the entirety of my consumption for these three days. I was awakened this morning 10 minutes before the hour of three o’clock with a great vision revealing unto me the nature of the precession of the Equinoxes, the true nature of the Zodiac Signs, and the their correspondence to the 12 Tribes of Israel. I must also note that I have been fasting and praying in hope of preparing myself to receive my patriarchal blessing. I am a convert of two years, baptized on February 17th (or was I confirmed the 17th?) of 2017.

With these preliminaries out of the way, I continue: the nature of my vision was the Earth contained within a great wheel through which the sun moves at a rate of precisely one seventy-second (1/72nd) of a degree every year, for a total of one (1) degree every seventy-two (72) years. This is calculated by the fact that we have 365 days in a year, but that there are only 360 degrees in a circle, thus the Earth fails to catch up precisely with itself each year and “falls behind” on the Calendar of the Great Year. This Great Year is split in to 12 Houses of the Zodiac, each 30 degrees of the circle of the Great Year. Every year the sun rises in the East on March 21st, the traditional date of the Spring Equinox, at about the same position as last year relative to the constellations that form its background, only removed by the aforementioned 1/72nd of a degree. This means that the Sun rises through a particular “House” of the Zodiac for a period of 2160 (72 * 30) years. The current sign of our age is Pisces, and the age is presumed to have begun sometime slightly prior to the material birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to Mary, traditionally dated around 0 BC (though I am sure we are all quite aware that precise dating is disagreed upon).

Why is this important? The Zodiac House that the sun rises in shows PRECISELY the inner and outer forms of worship of the current age of the world, as well as ticking off the time to the beginning of the next age. We currently are in the age of Pisces, the twin Fishes, in Greek ICHTHYS, which (I’m sure you well know) is an acronym for Iesou Christo Theou Yios Soter, or “Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior.” On the exact opposite pole of the Zodiac circle lies the “secret” sign of our age, which is the sign setting in the west as the sun rises in the Equinox, and represents the “mystery” of the Age. This sign is “Virgo” the Virgin, and the Mystery of our age is the Mystery of the Heavenly Mother, or Mary the Mother of Jesus, the Virgin. The Ruling Tribe of this House is Judah, and as anyone can presume from the state of international banking and politics vis a vis Israel and the Rothschilds, this is clearly the case.

The Previous Age was brought to a close by the Birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ at the Meridian of Time between the Current Age of the Zodiac (Pisces) and the Previous Age of the Zodiac (Aries). The sign Aries is represented by the Ram, and hence we see that in this time, the Israelites were known to practice the rite of Temple Sacrifice of the Ram/Lamb unto God. The Secret Sign of this age, that lies diametrically opposed to Aries, is the Libra, the Scales, representing the law, but also the changing of money, hence why Christ overturned the tables of the money changers in the temple. He overturned the old order and ushered in the new, bringing in the new age.

Moses ushered in the Age of Aries, and he overturned the order of the previous house (one will note that the Egyptian title “Pharaoh” literally means “Great House”) which was that of Taurus, the Bull. In the Age of Taurus, the Egyptians sacrificed a bull called Apis by drowning him in the Nile as a symbolic sacrifice and the outer symbol of their religion. The inner symbol of their religion was represented by the sign now called Scorpio, but then called Typhon, the Serpent, which is why Moses threw his staff on the ground and it became a serpent. He cast off the order of the secret magicians in the House of the Pharaoh. When did Moses usher in the new age of the Sacrifice of the Lamb? Precisely at the time of Passover. When is Passover? Passover takes place on the week of the Full Moon directly following the Solar Spring Equinox that occurs on March 21st, taking place in the traditional Hebrew month of Nisan. And who was the ruling Tribe of Israel? It was the Tribe of Levi, the Levitical Priesthood of Aaron, the Brother of Moses.

Not only does the Bible encode our past in these symbols, but also our future, for Jesus Christ is asked by his disciples in Luke 22:7-13: “Then came the day of unleavened bread, when the passover must be killed. And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the passover, that we may eat. And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the goodman of the house, The Master saith unto thee, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? And he shall shew you a large upper room furnished: there make ready. And they went, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the passover.” This was literal at the time but also a prophecy for the future. It is also reflected in Mark 14:12.

Who is the Man who Bears a Pitcher of Water? It is the Sign of Aquarius, symbolized by a man carrying a pitcher of water! It is the age of the Zodiac that we move in to next, and very soon. Who do we know who carries around water to the people? Why, the nice young boy of the Aaronic Priesthood, dispensing the Sacrament to the people. And what shall be the Secret or Concealed Sign of the Age of Aquarius? It shall be of the sign of Leo, and that is to say that it will be symbolized by the Grip of the Lion’s Paw (which I am sure you gentlemen are familiar with and I need not say more for fear of dire Temple consequences in the future). And what shall be the ruling Tribe of Israel in this our coming age? It will be the Tribe of Zebulun. This is said without the Keys of the Priesthood of Melchizedek, and so I give it according to the order of the blessings given in the Book of Genesis Chapter 49 to the 12 Houses of Israel.

I myself have not yet received the Melchizedek priesthood to better receive these signs and symbols, being only an Aaronic Priest, and have not yet taken the Endowment. I am not privy to these signs and symbols from the teachings given within the Temple, but these have been given to me by the Holy Spirit directly, that you may verify the accuracy of my claims. I have received them in vision, brought about by prayer, study, and fasting alone (see Matthew 7:7 for the literal instructions of Christ I have followed). I have not even officially received my Patriarchal Blessing, though I now suspect that my tribe is Zebulun.

I send this message to you now, my priesthood leaders, that you should know that the signs and symbols are written in the very stars themselves, and God’s plans are writ large for all to see! They can be proven to anyone at any time by revelation of these signs. Note that the Zodiac revelation in Luke takes place in Chapter 22, and the Book of Revelation contains 22 chapters. These are the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. I am a learned scholar of Kabbalah, and the mystical ways of the True Torah and it’s mundane reflection in the book of the Tarot (Tarot is Torat backwards, both with a silent T at the end, rendering Tora, Taro). The True Torah is written upon the Heart (in Hebrew “Lev”) and this is so because the first letter of the Torah is the Bet of “Bereshith” in Genesis 1, and the last letter is the Lamed at the end of “Yisroel” at the end of Deuteronomy. Reversed in to our writing of left to right instead of the Hebrew right to left, this renders us Lev, the Heart, and so it is said by Paul, when speaking about the true nature of circumcision, that the Law will be written on the Heart of the Gentile, and this is a prophecy. But it is only the outward appearance of gentility, for I am uncircumcised in flesh but circumcised in my heart. I am thus the apparent “Gentile” upon whose Heart the Torah is writ, though I may be of the Tribe of Zebulun. My name is Lex. What does Lex mean? Lex means “Law” in the Latin tongue, the same as Torah means “Law” in Hebrew. What is my birthday? It is March 21st, 1990.

Am I making some kind of messianic claim? No, my brethren, no. Far be it from me to make such a claim. Take no such thinking from this. What I am saying is that every jot and tittle of the Bible and the Book of Mormon is true in every facet and every word, and I can prove it to the world. Make use of me. I beg you, I beg you, make use of me! I am born precisely to be an asset to this Church, to be of use unto you, to be a servant to the Prophet, and to help bring about the gathering of the Lost Tribes of Israel under the banner of the True Church of Jesus Christ, that is precisely the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I testify that these things are wholesome, true, and holy, and that I have received them in sacred vision by the power of prayer, study, and fasting alone. I testify in the name of our beloved Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

–Lex White

Loremaster of Zebulun

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